I have no idea how to create pages but I'll figure it out eventually godammit

Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Blog to Pimp

The Man of Gell has jumped into the blogging fray after Exquisitegate broke at Beckett. Sportscards Uncensored is rude, grouchy, obnoxious, borderline blasphemous and generally antisocial. Just the kind of thing I like! Adam also makes political cracks which I've mostly been too chicken to do here. I think what I'm trying to say is SPORTSCARDS UNCENSORED HAS A HELLA LOTTA ADAM-MOJO!!!!!!!!!111one gO CHE- (SORRY caps lock off) Go check it out.

IF anyone else wants a plug or to get linked or is already linked and wants a plug or wants a plug and a link or is just lonely shoot me an e-mail. If you have already sent an e-mail, send it again. My inbox is a disaster right now. I've got stuff from February I need to respond to. Yeah, I'm a lazy bum and I suck, tell me something I don't know. I notice you keep reading though, huh? HUH? That's right, don't mess with the unhinged blogger man! I'll type at you!!!

Sorry that was the lack of caffeine talking. I'm gonna go Do the Dew and I'll be much more pleasant this evening I promise. Check out the blogs in the meantime ----->

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